Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Eritrea Mitsiwa 77409
Eritrea Aseb 77405
Eritrea Assab 77405
Somalia All Other Somalia Eastern Region Ports 77099
Somalia Chisimaio 77099
Somalia Kismaayo 77099
Somalia Kismayu 77099
Somalia Mogadiscio 77051
Somalia Mogadishu 77051
Somalia Muqdisho 77051
Somalia Berbera 77001
Somalia All Other Somalia Northern Region Ports 77000
Congo Kinshasha Moanda Terminal 76639
Congo Kinshasha Boma 76638
Congo Kinshasha Matadi 76637
Congo Kinshasha All Other Congo (Kinshasha) Ports 76600
Congo Kinshasha Banana 76600
Liberia Monrovia 76529
Liberia Buchanan 76505
Liberia Cape Palmas 76500

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.